Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Seattle for a quick second

My BFF from Sac-to [El Pea] came to visit a couple weeks ago
and she really wanted to go to Seattle.
I did too as I had never been.
Due to my unfortunate work schedule, we could
not stay the night, and planned on just going for the day & night
but ended up getting a late start and did not reach the city until about 4ish.
Luckily, I still got to see Pike's market and eat delicious food 
and look at weird fish. We ended up drinking good beer,
going thrift store shopping, and playing pool with some older men who were Seattle natives.
The drive home is a lot faster when you get to pass out in the backseat. 
Oh yeah, it snowed the entire drive through Washington on the way there! 
Nothing like a little snow to keep things interesting on the road.

Newest Grizzly Bear video is amazing and beautiful. 

look snow!

Made it to Seattle in time for the sunset!

looks like Mario

A gorgeous city of steel



 I've been here in real life now!

Sunsets make for the best lighting

we were a bit cold and unsure how to pose

love youuuuu

Parker and the fish at the public market

taking romantic sunset photos

smoke stacks


Some of the coolest street art I've seen. Right outside Value Village

cool wizard guy we saw floatin around telephone poles

I took a lot of film photos on this trip, so it will be fun to see more of those when I get them developed!

1 comment:

  1. i've only been to seattle for a quick second, too. i need to go back. you know that i am loving that street art!


I'd love to hear what you think or a funny joke.