Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Roll of film Wednesday!

I figured I better start posting these rolls of film
I have, since I am already 3 rolls backed up...
Summer is for laziness.
This is another round of double exposures
and I didn't line the film up correctly the second time around
or something, so I ended up with twice as many photos!
Kind of cool, but I think next time I will do just one object/person the second time around.
Enjoy my version of reality!

Emily at the Blues fest

Hawthorne Bridge and Maryhill food eats

ahhh Le French men... floating on the Willamette. 

Billards in the Wigwam

Wigwam and the OHSU campus

Future profession? 

the windmills... and OHSU

geometry and typhoon trumpets

hallways and Typhoon

OHSU campus

My two favorite things in the world.. pizza and zachary.

the real goods


favorite of the roll

river daze


daisy head


  1. That pizza has so much garlic, it looks perfect!

    1. ohhh girl. it was bomb! whole cloves of garlic. and FREEEEE


I'd love to hear what you think or a funny joke.