Monday, March 28, 2011

Black and White prints.

After un-installing, then re-installing my scanner/printer, I was finally able to scan in some of my black and white prints from my photo class!

This photo was shot with an old Twin Lens camera and was my first time working with large format film. I love how crisp the print is as well as the rich dark tones. This is also printed on fiber based paper, then selenium toned, which gives it those almost purpleish blacks. I also had to include certain things for the project which were: shoes, dappled lighting, downcast emotion, and shot from a high angle.

This is Zack, my love.

My first project in this class. It was to make a contact sheet photo. This was my first attempt, and my teacher said it was too boring, but I still like it :)

Just playing around. This is solarized, but not very well... I like the foosball men anyways.

Another option for my previous "shoe" project. Shot with the twin lens and 120 film. Even though I didn't choose this for my final print, I still liked the way it turned out. I need to wear those heels more.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ladies night

My bestest friend Lauren was kind enough to be a model for a photo project I have going on in my photography class. The theme is "1930s-50s". We did a shoot with my Nikon 6006 in B&W film, then had some fun with my DSLR (Nikon 3000). Here are a few of my favorites.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Just got off work sunset.

I just got off a long day at work, and walked out to my car to this beautiful sight. Luckily I had my camera  with me and snapped this shot.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spray Paint

Two masks and a spray paint can. Made with black and white magazine pages and my trusty glue stick. This is my first official collage piece I made!

German Chairs

Made with newspaper and a glue stick. I call it "German Chairs" because it's made from a German newspaper that a friend brought over for me.

Cardboard self portrait

Made from cardboard, hot glue, and a bit a charcoal.