Thursday, September 29, 2011

Here's another roll of film of Portland

Okay so, I am going to actually try to write... bare (bear?) with me everyone. We've been here a little over 3 weeks. It's great. I love it. I finally got a job at this amazing restaurant/ Waffle Window. The restaurant is called Bread & Ink Cafe. The Waffle Window is, just that... a Window on the side of building that sells delicious and amazing Waffles. So far it's one of the coolest places I've ever worked! I officially started big kids school on Monday. Portland State is a great school so far and I am really enjoying all my classes, but my German class the most of course! My professors all seem pretty knowledgeable and I will learn a lot. That is if I can survive all the massive amounts of readings I have to do... It feels good to be back in school though using that brain of mine. To be honest though, my main goal this quarter is to become better at German. I absolutely love living in a city. Of course cities have their ups and downs (so many homeless people asking you for money, get's old after a while. I NEED MONEY TOO PEOPLE!!!) but all in all, Portland is gooooood. Good food, it's hard not to eat out every day too, but I am having fun playing the house wife roll and cooking fabulous meals! I still don't have any girl friends here but I am not worried about it. Hopefully I can meet some people in my classes. Now I feel like I am babbling, my photos are much more entertaining, ENJOY! 
p.s. If you guys are reading this, you should follow the blog too.. if you want.. cos that would just make me happy :)


The farmers market

This is my favorite


Stella's Tomatoes

The deck

BOOKS. read them.

The medicine cabinet 

Guten Morgen

my hair is everywhere
Danke for looking at this. Be well.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Portland in 35mm

I recently invested in a Canon T70 which is just an old 35mm SLR. I just had a great longing for taking film pictures again, so naturally I took a whole roll in a day. Enjoy the city!

our humble abode. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Portland: In der Stadt

SO I've officially been here [Portland] for about 2.5 weeks! Needless to say, it's awesome/amazing/wonderful/fun/cool/so good!!! Yes I am pretty stoked to be living in such a unique and cool city. Here's what I've been seeing and experiencing lately!

The first week here a music fest called Music Fest North West [MFNW] going on so there were lots of shows, and this particular one was free! We saw the electro DJ's MSTRKFT. Really fun show and really schweaty.

Looking outside through our front door

The crowd at MSTKRFT

first dinner in space

Free wine and food at a neighborhood block party? ok!


Some wasps feasting on a Caterpillar. 


RICE PUDDING!!! They have an entire rice pudding store. Like ice cream, but rice pudding... 

Food Carts= Best food for the least amount of money and a big amount of food.

One of the many reasons why I love Portland is everyone's creativity. There is art all around the city. These pictures below are of art projects by students at the Pacific Northwest College of the Arts that are displayed in a shop window for all to see.

This dress is made out of recycled bike tires!

This dress is made from recycled coffee filters!