Saturday, June 15, 2013

Roll of Film Saturday

and the zombie trailer we shot for a friend's school project
that you should watch after you look through these photos.

group reflection at Doug Fir

On the set of a zombie trailer we shot for a friend

behind the scenes


haszombie 2

the people who die

Zombies hanging out

post death


80s post death!!!

making the grave pretty


First official day of summer spent at the Washugal river= perfection

rivers are better than lakes

pretty lady

Friday, June 7, 2013

Roll Of Film Friday: Canon AE-1 back in action!

First roll with my Canon AE-1 after a very long separation due to unknown
problems which turned out to be it just needed a new battery :]

I've been listening to NPR podcasts and in the car non stop. If you've never seen
a "Tiny desk concert" this is a great one to start with! 

Right after I got the battery at Hollywood Camera store

Ro we're in Hollywood!

Housemates and the house!

Banana peel artfully placed...

another banana peel artfully placed... portland.

just walking down the street with these guys

BFFS (pre BBQ)

First sunny day in while 

we played wiffle ball

They've been friends for a while 

Zack likes to take awful awkward photos

just my average view walking home

our view from the front door

times are rough

the mermaid sea bride

This is Clare! She hosts rad parties where we dress up

still obsessed with this city

Green. so much green

Self portrait #1 on Vista Bridge

Self portrait #2 on Vista Bridge
my "Imma gonna cut a bitch" face.

lounging at the Doug Fir