Sunday, September 18, 2016

Roll(s) of 220mm & 35mm Film...Cannon Beach

Cannon Beach with the friendfam!
I made everyone pose for portraits on the beach
& take a group photo in which we all look like we're in a punk band.
It was a great end of summer hurrah!
Shot with 220mm & 35mm film.

These didn't upload in the order that I wanted... but too lazy to move them all.

Flat grays


Jessica came to visit!

Beach Bocce!
220mm~ Jess

220mm~ Double exposure with bendy Jessica

220mm~ Double exposure with ZD


party time


gradient grays

220mm~ Schaus in the pacific. It was very very cold.

220mm~ view from the house

220mm~ get it girl!

220mm~ Too much to handle

220mm~ spencer

220mm~ ZD

220mm~ PoohPeter

220mm~ by ZD

Keep the party goin

sweet thang

Portrait of LP & dead bird

I love this

in the wild

Too cool


Can't fuck with us