Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This post doesn't really have a point. I just felt like posting some recent Fotos and jib-jabbing, while not doing homework. 
Today was another beautiful day in Portland, and it should stay that way for the whole week! I was getting used to the rain and clouds, but I am not complaining. 
PSU offers tons of free group exercise classes, so I finally went to a Yoga class this morning! It was only 'Gentle Yoga' but it felt good to stretch again and balance my body. I plan on continuing with the classes, since they offer a lot and on everyday of the week. 
I had a crazy weekend with lots of friends visiting (including my BFF!), but I'll talk about that another time. 
 Maybe I was bored and was having too much fun with Picnik's Halloween stickers...
Again, having fun with Picnik effects.

 I got a pair of hair cutting scissors to keep my bangs trimmed up, and Zack let me cut his hair. It was pretty fun. He then went and got a lovely buzz cut at this super awesome barber shop in the Pearl.........
 This is where we sleep. The wall has expanded greatly already.
Yeah, a typical evening watching Archer and drinking some vino. 

P.S. Listen to this band & watch this video

1 comment:

  1. Love the random pics...and that you are taking yoga...fun!


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